Thursday, December 22, 2005

Sheesh, I haven't complained here in quite a while, but do not fear, I have new content.

0) I still have not lost an ounce.

1) The rain. It has been raining in Tahoe for two days and the temperature is not cold enough for snow so all of this rain is ruining the season.

2) My cold. It hit me last night and I couldn't sleep at all. This is thanks to my 8-yr-old niece Nicole who welcomed me with a kiss on Saturday and then said "oops, shouldn't have done that. I'm real sick."

So no exercise today, except to clean and re-organize the back closet. I'm staying here tomorrow and then leaving Saturday morning for the Bay area again. I had better do a little Christmas shopping tomorrow, huh?

Saturday, December 17, 2005

It's so funny -- it's like this is a complaint site. I went back and read a few posts and it's all "everything hurts" over and over. The truth is that I feel great. I feel so grateful for the fact that I can take a big deep breath now, and that I can drop my shoulders and let my neck move around.

I took a yoga class at noon today and then ran 4.5 miles along the Embarcadero. And I have to say I love my new shoes. I have been running and my hips aren't bothering me. Two weeks ago I couldn't run for five minutes and today I ran for an hour. I think tomorrow I am going to do the same run again.

Today is Day 9. I have twelve days until I leave for Chicago, and 23 days until I have to go back to work. Isn't that a beaut?

Friday, December 16, 2005

Wake: 9:53
Weight: 146

I just couldn't get out of bed this morning. I was so tired, and each time my alarm rang I gave myself 10 more minutes to feel rested. That led to 2 extra hours of sleep.

In my meeting yesterday with Sergio the personal trainer, I asked him why he thought I hadn't lost an ounce in 8 days of 3x a day workouts. He said when we get older our bodies take longer to respond, and that makes sense. He also questioned my diet, and that makes sense too. I still haven't gone to the grocery store (I have eaten every meal in a restaurant for years), and I could do a better job of choosing better food.

I believe I am not doing enough cardio exercise, and that's what's causing the static weight. I've been doing a lot of yoga, pilates, and weights, but haven't been sweating enough. I think when I start to really spend time running and swimming, the weight will come off. Um, hopefully.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Wake: 9:09am
Weight: 148

I feel like hell. Between the aches and pains from exercising and the cramps that came last night, I am going to have a hard time with my three hours working out today. I took an 800 mg motrin a few minutes ago and already feel it starting to work. I will pack a few more in my backpack.

I did my first pilates and yoga classes yesterday. The pilates, I love it. It feels a little like the calisthenics we did growing up, but more specialized and somehow relaxing. The yoga was also relaxing -- the studio was beautiful with soft lamplight and candles -- but we spent too much time in the downward facing dog position. My pecs, my pecs! They are so sore that they hurt when I try to run, even though they really aren't involved.

Speaking of running, I went to a specialty running shoe store yesterday and got some new shoes. I have never had a professional pick out my running shoes before but of course it makes sense. I have a bunion and now I know I have an over-pronation problem too. The shoes I got are freaking huge -- with room in the front for my deformed toe and big ole heels for stability. I'm planning to run tomorrow (they said I need to give my feet time to get to know the shoes first).

My only other comment here is that I haven't lost any weight. But I definitely feel better and I am not smoking. Today I have a yoga class at noon, am planning to swim at 1:30, and I have scheduled a dance class at 5:30. Given my weepy experience with the dance class yesterday, this plan may change.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

It's also important to note that I quit smoking 15 days ago.

Oh man, today I had to leave dance class. I went to dance class on Friday, as a first-timer, and realized I didn't know how to do any of the routines or any of the steps and I was OK with that. I flailed my arms and legs the best I could and I was laughing through much of it.

This morning I left the room soon after the class started, fled in terror. I felt even more humiliated by the fact that I had fled the class in terror. This morning was harder, with everything going in four directions at once.

I stopped at the welcome desk and asked a frank question, "Are there any classes where they show you how to do the dance? A real beginner's class?" The answer was yes, Nancy's class on Wednesday and Sat Sun, and if I am serious about wanting to go to dance classes maybe I will try it. But for now, dance classes suck.

In five days I have spent 11.25 hours exercising. This is up from a low of 0 / zero, no exercise. I'm running a deficit since I am shooting for 3 hours a day while I have a month off, but hey, this isn't bad. Here's what I have been doing the last five days:

I can't actually remember, but I don't think I did any exercise

Day 2 -- FRIDAY
Now we're getting started.
9:00 - 10:00 -- Personal training session with Sergio
4:30 - 5:30 -- Modern Rhythms dance class

10:30 - 3:00 -- Skiing at Heavenly

Day 4 -- SUNDAY
9:45 - 1:00 -- Skiing at Heavenly

Day 5 -- MONDAY
9:00 - 10:00 -- Personal training session with Sergio
10:45 - 11:15 -- Running along the Embarcadero

Wake: 7:27am
Weight: 149

On Day 1 I made a list of things to do before I go back to work. Some of these are already done. I will add to this list over time:

1. Deposit ski group checks
2. Send check to Dick Mullinax, the handy man
3. Enter the titles of CDs in my 400 CD changer
4. Buy a new bag to hold my computer at work
5. Make 9 pairs of curtains for the house in Tahoe
6. Make or buy curtains for SF
7. Get some new workout clothes (done!)
8. Hire a maid for Tahoe and SF
9. Volunteer at the SPCA
10. Decorate for Christmas (~done!)
11. Set up blog (~done!)
12. Update the budget
13. Personal
14. Personal (~done!)
15. Get a pedicure
16. Buy fresh flowers

Whoa, the time is flying, and I've been a busy girl. I'm already six days into my routine. For the record, every muscle hurts.

It has taken a few days to plan everything and really get going. My goal is to been to spend 3 hours a day working out, and I'm doing fairly well on that score. But I haven't been recording everything, so -- going forward -- this little blog will be the spot where I keep track of my efforts.

I'll record key measurements and thoughts about all of this effort. Hopefully things will work out the way I want. There are 24 days left and I want to lose 20 lbs. I better get out there and run my ass off.